Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 20, 2012

Today we hung out at home and really didn't do a whole lot. Rylynn did not really feel the need to sleep much today, and only took 1/2 hr cat naps here and there. Jeremy and I went on a date to see the movie Pitch Perfect. Grandpa and Grandma Grausam watched Rylynn for us! The movie was super funny and it was good to get out! We are attempting to transition Rylynn from her bassinet to her crib. Tonight was night number one where it was going to happen! She did GREAT!! Grandma Grausam put her down around 1030 and she slept until 430am!!! I got up and fed her and then laid her right back down because she was super sleepy, we only had to get up a couple of times to give her her nuk back and she was back to sleep until 730am!! A couple of friends gave me the idea to put one of my shirts in the crib with her so I think that helped her and also her room is kinda cold so we put a little heater outside her door so her room stays warmer. Hopefully night number 2 works just as nice, because it is super hard for me to listen to her scream for a long period of time!

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