Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 7, 2012

Rylynn was baptized today! She did really well during the baptism and didn't even cry! She was not so good during church. She felt the need to poop (ALOT) during mass, so I had to leave church to change her so she wouldn't get it all over her cute dress! She wore the baptismal dress that I wore when I was a baby! She liked it when the water was poured over her head and also followed the candle after it was being lit! She was sort of over it after all of that and cried during the pictures because she was getting tired, but did not want to miss a thing! We got more pictures later at our house before we ate. I will post them later because I have nooo clue how to get just those pictures on the computer from Jeremy's camera ( I am not very computer savy!)

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