Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 21, 2012

This morning Rylynn and I got up and went to church. After church our friends Josh and Britt came over for lunch and we grilled. Rylynn was very talkative and really focused on mommy when Britt was holding her. After they left Rylynn and Daddy watched a little bit of the Vikings game while Mommy got things ready for our little photo shoot.
Our leaves were already brown ( plus Jeremy had mowed them up already) so we asked the neighbors if we could take some pictures in their leaves. Here are a few photos from the photo shoot.

Rylynn screamed when we tried to put her in the pumpkin without her jeans on, so we opted to try with the jeans and she seemed much more pleased with this. This was our 3rd attempt of pictures in the pumpkin and finally got some! She was all smiles but closes her eyes alot when she smiles so they are super hard to catch on camera.
She continues to love to smile at mommy and daddy and has started to babble a lot more! She successfully slept in her crib on night 2 with no real problems :D When she looses her nuk she just uses her hands to suck on. Mommy doesn't really want her to get used to that! ( I used to suck my finger as a child! very hard habit to break!)

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