Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pinterest projects!

Photo: My homemade headband!
I love all the cute headbands that they have out there but they can be soo expensive, so I thought I would try my hand at making them myself! They didn't turn out to bad, I just think I need smaller elastic for Rylynn's little head!
Photo: Done! Thanks pintrest!
 I also made this for all of her clips and headbands! I thought this would be a great idea because I love doing her hair ( I am just waiting for it to get a little longer then I can braid it :D) It is a great way to keep it all in one place so I know where they are! I am just trying to find a way to hang her ponytails from one of the hooks, I will eventually find a way.
I am re-addicted to pinterest and hoping to try out other things that I pinned when I find the time! I always tell my sister-in-law Jen that we need to have a pinterest day where we craft all the things we want on there. I will keep you guys posted if I try any more ideas!

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